Get the Crowdfund Your Dream Roadmap: 10 Steps to Fund Your Dream

The course and group coaching program for diverse founders raising up to $500,000 to fund their businesses.

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You Just Can’t Seem to Get the


You have a business idea that you know would be amazing if you could just get the funding to launch it. If you could get your idea out to the right people, it would be easy. But you don’t know where to start. So you sit on your idea for years, taking a ton of free webinars and workshops, waiting for your big break. 

Deep down, you want to take your future into your own hands.

You know you could be raising money to make your dream a reality. You’ve seen other people do it, but you wonder if you’re ready to launch a fundraising campaign. You know that you’d have to plan it, write a campaign story/pitch, create a video and graphics, choose rewards, and get the word out to thousands of people. Just the thought of it makes your stomach turn.


What if you could launch a fundraising campaign in 60 days?

If you need a strategy for your fundraising campaign, I’ve got you. If you want to build a fan base of patrons, launch a crowdfunding campaign (equity- or rewards-based), find a corporate sponsor, or solicit equity investors, I’ve got you, too.

Imagine how it would feel if you...

Had a clear roadmap and accountability for creating and launching your fundraiser.

Had access to a 24/7 virtual community of program participants around the globe.

Knew how to raise funds, market your work, and build an audience with deep culturally-specific connections to your community.

Had customizable templates to make your marketing campaign planning a breeze.

Knew how to plan your campaign, manage it, market it, and measure your success without having to become a fundraising or marketing expert.

Knew how to create an investable pitch deck, a network map of investors, and conduct outreach to raise a pre-seed or seed round of funding.

All of this is possible for you and guess what? You don't have to wait for yet another year to pass by to learn this. You can get exactly what you need to launch a successful fundraiser today.

IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE TO START, I have been there.

When I was at NYU Grad Film School, I launched my first fundraising campaign.

Four weeks before the production period started, I realized none of my classmates had signed up for my film and I didn’t have a crew. I didn’t have money to hire one, either. And if I didn’t figure it out, I wasn’t going to make a film and I would fail all my classes. So what did I do? I launched a fundraising campaign—including an equity investor, a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo, a fiscal sponsor through Fractured Atlas, and a letter-writing campaign to friends and family—and raised $15K in 4 weeks for my short film.

Back then, I had zero email list, zero following, and zero budget—yet, using basic principles of communications, marketing, and fundraising, I was able to exceed my goal by 25%.

That campaign helped launch my career—both as a filmmaker and as a fundraising consultant, with a passion to help artists and entrepreneurs fund their dreams. And if I could do it—at a time when my back was against the wall and I needed funding fast—you can do it, too!

Each of us can find our village, no matter how small.

iquo b. essien

my culture factor & community

At the time of my first raise, I had limited understanding about wealth, money, and fundraising. As the daughter of Nigerian immigrants, I’d seen Africans give money for birthdays, weddings, and funerals, but never a movie or creative project. And with few high net worth friends, I felt uncomfortable asking people for donations, especially low-income and artsy folks. 

I knew my older African family members and friends would give larger sums of money, and likely mail a check as opposed to giving online. I also knew my younger peers would give less money, largely online, and, if they couldn’t donate, would likely share my campaign on social media.

So I crafted a multi-platform fundraising campaign that included crowdfunding, a fiscal sponsor, an equity investor, and a letter-writing campaign to friends and family. I exceeded my $12,000 goal by 25%, raising $15,000 in 4 weeks. And my short film was a semifinalist in the Student Academy Awards!

With so many people reaching out to me for help, often in the middle of failing campaigns, I knew there was a need for an intervention far upstream. So, building on 15+ years of communications & marketing experience, plus my life as a self-producing filmmaker, I created a course to teach women and BIPOC founders—long overlooked by traditional fundraising sources—how to fund their dreams.


Learn how to launch a successful fundraising campaign—and market it—in 60 days, by leaning into your culture factor and community.

(even if you don’t know where to start)

the big idea:

Helping Women & BIPOC Founders Raise Up to $500K to Fund Their Dream Businesses

Crowdfund Your Dream is an online fundraising course and group coaching program that will teach you the fundamentals of how to tell your story, market yourself, and raise money, tapping into your culture factor and community that makes you uniquely you.

We work primarily with entrepreneurs, nonprofits, and creative professionals. We explore several types of fundraising—from crowdfunding (rewards- and equity-based) to equity investment, fiscal sponsorship, email, direct mail, grassroots, and corporate sponsorship—helping you craft a culturally-responsive fundraising strategy that’s right for your business, market your campaign, and achieve a successful raise.

Work through the course at your own pace, completing all the readings and exercises. You’ll finish the 8 weeks with all the materials you need to tell your story, market yourself, and launch a fundraising campaign for your business—or, if you’re not launching a campaign, use the course to build a pitch deck, create a network map, conduct outreach to high net worth donors or investors, solicit grants, corporate, or fiscal sponsorship.

We’re on a mission to help launch 100 dreams—and yours is one of them!

What happens when women & BIPOC founders seek funding for their businesses?

They are...

  • Less likely to get VC money

  • Less likely to receive business financing

  • Less likely to have a successful raise from friends & family, due to historical barriers to wealth creation

  • Consequently, less women & BIPOC founders launch and grow their businesses, and more go out of business due to lack of funds

So, if you learn how to raise money, you've got a SUPERPOWER that will make you unstoppable.

The Problem

In 2022, women founders received only 1.9% of the US VC deal count, while diverse fundraisers fell to their lowest levels since 2020

To raise money, more business owners turn to friends & family, rewards-, and equity-based crowdfunding, while nonprofits seek individual donors

Though digital fundraising is supposed to be democratic, research shows that a fundraiser’s perceived race has an impact on Kickstarter campaign success

Research also shows that online charitable lenders favor more attractive, lighter-skinned, and less obese borrowers

Facing structural barriers, diverse founders must lean into their culture factor, their communities, and culturally-responsive fundraising strategies to succeed

African-American, Latinx, and Asian-American donors have rich giving traditions and are likely to give, though they’re asked less often

what sets CROWDFUND YOUR DREAM apart?​

Leaning into your culture factor and community is a fundraising gamechanger.

Most fundraising courses on the market focus exclusively on conventional fundraising.

But the one-size-fits-all fundraising model is a LIE.

Grants are down.

VC funding for diverse founders is down.

Business financing is flatlined, despite numerous government bailouts to banks.

Even crowdfunding has its challenges for diverse founders.

Research shows that digital platforms favor more attractive, lighter-skinned, and less obese borrowers (Jenq, Pan and Theseira, 2015).

This can lead to negative outcomes for fundraisers whose creators identify as Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC).

In general, Black, Latinx, and Asian American communities aren’t well understood in the donor universe. But studies show that they are very likely to give to diverse causes, though they’re less likely to be asked.

So, I teach my clients to lean into their culture factor and diversify their fundraising strategies to overcome the structural biases baked into fundraising—while building rich, culturally-responsive campaigns that center their stories, the communities they serve, and the transformation they want to bring about in the world.

So instead of watching their fundraisers sink or swim online, they craft smart campaigns that make the most of crowdfunding, direct mail appeals, fiscal sponsorship, equity investment, and even word of mouth to fund their dream.

There literally isn’t another course on the market that does what Crowdfund Your Dream is doing.

So if you want to learn how to tell your story, market yourself, raise money, and empower yourself to build a legacy for your family, community, and the world, this course is for you.





Inside our fundraising course and coaching program, learn our proven 4-step formula to fund your business:

By planning a fundraising campaign tailored to your project or business

Leaning into your culture factor, founder story, and the communities your business serves

Launching & managing your campaign on your platform of choice—from Kickstarter, to Patreon, email, social media, or your own website

Or creating a network map of donors and investors, a pitch deck, and outreach plan

Marketing your campaign through email, social media, ads, press, or networking

And using data to measure and improve your chance at success

You can turn a crowd into an engine powering your dream!

Iquo B. Essien, Founder

Have You Been Trying to Raise Funds For Months With

no luck?

The strategy you’ll learn inside Crowdfund Your Dream is the same one I used to raise $15K in 4 weeks for my short film, when I had to launch a last-minute campaign to hire an entire crew. And it was the same strategy I used in March 2021 to raise $35K for my creative dream—with a campaign I launched in just FIVE days.

It’s the same strategy I’ve used to raise $300K+ for my clients, and that so many successful artists and entrepreneurs—like Spike Lee, Seth Godin, LeVar Burton, and Issa Rae—use every single day.

And it’s the same strategy I’ve now taught to over 1,000 people around the globe. Now, I want to teach it to YOU.

It’s time to take action

Instead of...

  • Waiting for a grant or an investor to greenlight your dream project

  • Taking on an extra job to save money…or fantasizing about leaving the one you have now to do what you love

  • Putting your dreams on hold while you watch other people gain funding and notoriety

  • Being passive when you should be proactive

  • Or giving up entirely can...

  • Create a fundraising plan to achieve your goals

  • Create a project narrative, pitch deck, pitch video, budget, crowdfunding campaign, email/direct mail/social media campaign, grassroots campaign, or DIY donation page
  • Launch a fundraising campaign for your project or business

  • Get your campaign in front of the right people and leverage those eyeballs to raise money

  • Take control of your destiny

And change the trajectory of your business and your life starting today.
EA headshot for web

Working with Iquo showed us how much thought we should be putting into understanding why our individual donors give. This work is really helping us put our thoughts in action—plus, we raised $10K in 48 hours on Giving Tuesday!

We met our [$200K] goal and then some! I gained a whole new skillset, one that I can see applying to filmmaking or any project in the future. This was a confidence game-changer. Thanks so much for your generosity, your time, and your wise counsel.

inside the course
you'll learn...


Getting Started

Learn how CFYD’s founder raised $15K in funding for her film in 4 weeks; $35K in 8 weeks for her artist residency; and helps clients raise up to $500K to fund their dreams.


Mapping Your Dream

We’ll discuss the nuts and bolts of planning your campaign, nailing your campaign messages and culture factor, and crafting a culturally-responsive fundraising campaign strategy.


Managing a Successful Campaign

In this module, you’ll learn about the best platforms to manage your fundraiser, marketing, social media, outreach, and graphics creation—and how to use them.


Make Some Noise

If you’ve ever wondered how to get people hype about your campaign, you’re going to love this module. We’ll go into detail about how to use email marketing, press, social media and more to get eyeballs on your campaign.

module 4

Measure the Results

In this module, you’ll dive into your campaign numbers. You’ll learn how to use and leverage tools like Google Analytics, Bitly, and Facebook Pixel to program your campaign for success.


Launch Your Campaign

In the final stage, you’ll get ready to launch! It’s a foolproof guide to funding your dream.

Iquo gave me very nuts and bolts advice that I could use immediately on my crowdfunding campaign. I really appreciated how supportive she was and how she targeted her advice to provide guidance specific to my project.

Iquo gives us a workbook and bonus material that are so well put together they’re bullet proof. All one has to do is follow the plan she laid out. Each week I was excited to work with Iquo and my classmate to paint a better picture of how to crowdfund my dream project.

Our Basic Membership Program Includes:

✔️ CFYD Course & Coaching Program

✔️ Launch in 5 Days Intro Crowdfunding Course

✔️ Bonus Materials

✔️ Video Modules & Digital Workbook

✔️ Course Portal

✔️ Fundraising Bootcamp (Virtual)

✔️ Email Support

✔️ Members-Only Facebook Community

✔️ Optional Mastermind and 1:1 Strategy Support Upgrades

and there's a lot more...


A step-by-step marketing guide to promote your campaign with a strategy, messages, calls to action, timeline, and plug-and-play template ($497 value)
15 tools to build your e-mail list from scratch ($297 value)
E-mail, social media, and direct mail scripts I used to raise $15K—plus tons of templates for everything from press releases to flyers, postcards, a brochure and investor prospectus for your campaign ($597 value)
Case studies, guidelines, and specs for creating your stellar campaign graphics and promo video ($750 value)

Thanks for the prompts and guidance, Iquo! Your feedback on making our artists the ‘heroes’ of our story really helped. Fully funded [$14K] with a week to spare!

It was an intense time of learning for me that left me feeling prepared and empowered. I didn’t expect to receive so much and for Iquo to be so hands-on. As a result, I know exactly what I need to do to launch and manage a successful campaign.

and that's not all...


In this high-level masterclass, learn what you need to know to run a successful fundraising campaign ($650 value)
Map your network to create an outreach plan and identify high-value connections to leverage for the success of your campaign ($37 value)
Get my secret formula to calculate how many people you need to contact to reach your goal ($47 value)
Learn my proven 10 steps to fund your dream! ($97 value)

that’s almost $3000 in bonuses when you sign up!

Your investment

A small investment for the BIG results and valuable knowledge you’ll gain through our fundraising program PLUS tons of extras. 

🎉 New Membership Plans 🎉

Tiered Pricing

Basic Membership, Mastermind, and Enterprise Options Available
Pay monthly, cancel anytime


Learn how to launch a successful fundraising campaign—and market it—in 60 days, by leaning into your culture factor and community. Plus, learn how to create a pitch deck, network map of donors or investors, and an outreach plan to fund your business.


Get our 5-day plan for setting up a successful crowdfunding campaign page, and learn how founder Iquo B. Essien raised $35K in 8 weeks for her business—and how you can, too!

Bonus Materials: Marketing Plan, Outreach Kit, Network Mapping Exercise and more

Get the content, outreach, and networking blueprint to tell your story, market your campaign, and raise money to fund your dream business.

Bimonthly Office Hours 2

Fundraising Bootcamp: Bi-Weekly Virtual Group Coaching

You’ll have questions along the way, of course!  Twice a month, we will collect all of your questions and our team will go live to answer.


Use this community to get inspiration, feedback, questions answered, and more!

Mastermind and 1:1 fundraising strategy support upgrades available!

monthly plans available

Basic Membership

$ 150
  • CFYD Course & Bonuses
  • Weekly Live Group Coaching
  • Members-Only FB Community


$ 650
  • Basic Membership
  • Bi-Weekly Mastermind Call
  • Fundraising Strategy Workbook
  • Email support


$ 3000
  • Mastermind membership
  • 2 x Monthly 1:1 Strategy Calls
  • Fundraising Strategy Audit

Who this Program is For...


You’re working around the clock, making plans, and wearing every hat in your business. A cash injection would do wonders for your progress, right?

Crowdfund Your Dream will position you to raise an initial round of funding from family and friends that will transform your dream into a reality, before you have a complete business plan or proof of concept, telling your story and building your brand while you’re still in the idea phase.

Take control of your development trajectory, and embark on your venture with support from friends and family. With what you’ll learn in this course, funding a new business endeavor will never have to be a long and painful process.

Small Business Owners

You’ve got dreams of making a big impact in your community, but you’re thinking, “I need more funding to make it happen.”

Instead of applying for a grant or waiting for an investor, you can use the steps I lay out to leverage your skills, story, experience, and loyal customers to raise the capital you need, launching your next big thing and making a difference in less time than you think.

Or, take it to the next level and use your campaign to crowdfund a new product, service, or offer, pre-selling to your audience while defraying the cost of development and production.

Nonprofit Professionals

For nonprofits running annual giving campaigns, and cultivating major donors, a crowdfunding campaign can help galvanize your small- and mid-size donor stakeholders while building partnerships and energy around your mission.

Nowadays, Giving Tuesday has become the major fundraising day of the year, a mini-crowdfunding campaign in and of itself. If you’re new to it, or could use some fresh ideas, Crowdfund Your Dream can help you level up your crowdfunding game to raise more on Giving Tuesday and leave less dollars on the table—while strengthening your bonds with community members through your shared mission. It’s a win-win!

Artists & Creatives

You dream of getting your project off the ground and becoming a full-time creative, making films, recording albums, having a solo show, publishing your books, making a living on what you create. If you spend a lot of time applying for grants you never get, I’ll teach you how to take those same materials—your artistic statement, project narrative, budget, and portfolio—and launch a fundraising campaign.

Crowdfund Your Dream will help you get started raising money and building an audience of loyal patrons, laying the groundwork for your life as a full-time creative professional, like you’ve always dreamed. You’ll attract attention to yourself and your work, creating a network of support to build upon for years to come.

In 8 Weeks, You'll Learn How To...

week 1

Meet your course host, learn why fundraising campaigns fail, and key information you need to know to succeed, plus a preview of the course ahead. Register your business, set up a business bank account, and payment platforms to receive money.

week 2

In Week 2, you'll study 3 case studies of successful fundraising campaigns, calculate your budget, devise the fundraising strategies you'll use, map your outreach network, and define your culture factor that makes you unique.

week 3

Brainstorm your key messages, campaign title, and tagline. Use our tempaltes to write your project narrative, personal statement, bio, elevator pitch, and calls to action.

week 4

In Week 4, you'll learn how to manage your fundraiser. We'll discuss digital fundraising platforms, as well as social media management platforms, donor management software, email marketing software, CRMs like ActiveCampaign and Mailchimp, and website platforms like WordPress and Squarespace.

week 5

In Week 5, we complete the Bonus: Graphics & Video Creation Guide. Create a landing page or email signup form. Claim your social media pages. Use our templates and guides to create graphics, a pitch deck, promo video, and collateral for your fundraiser.

week 6

In Weeks 6-7, you’ll make a marketing plan for your fundraiser. You’ll learn about posting campaign updates, sharing your fundraiser on social media, email marketing, hosting live (and virtual) events, and even press pitching to generate a buzz.

week 7

In Week 7, we complete the Bonus: Marketing Plan & Timeline. Use our plug-and-play templates to: define your marketing goals and strategy, identify your target audience, write campaign messages, create a calendar, and prepare graphic deliverables.

week 8

In Week 8, you'll define campaign metrics that you'll be tracking to assess the effectiveness of your campaign. We’ll take a look at a case study and consider how tools like Bitly, Facebook Pixel, Instagram Insights, Google Analytics, email software analytics, CRMs, and digital fundraising analytics can help you optimize your campaign.

bonus: week 9+

In Week 9, integrating the lessons and materials created in Weeks 1-8, you will launch your fundraiser. Through our Fundraising Bootcamp LIVE Q&A and our virtual community, ask questions, get support, and chart your progress to funding your business. While we can't guarantee your raise, most people at the Basic Membership level should be able to learn, launch, and raise up to $20K in 3-6 months. Mastermind and Enterprise members can expect better results.


Maximize Your Fundraiser's ROI

An average fundraising certificate program:

  • Costs $11,000
  • Is more technical than tactical
  • Is more academic than real-world-based
  • Teaches one-size-fits-all fundraising, ignoring the impact of race, gender, culture, and community on fundraising strategy
  • Teaches outdated strategies that don’t keep pace with the rapid day-to-day changes in the fundraising landscape
  • Lacks a cohesive, proven framework for launching a successful fundraising campaign
  • Lacks a virtual community of fundraisers in which learners can gain collective insights and social support
  • Doesn’t offer quickstart guides and templates for setting up your campaign—in fact, is not purpose-built for people who are actively raising money
  • Doesn’t offer a weekly Fundraising Bootcamp with live Q&A
  • Doesn’t offer Mastermind groups of fundraisers or 1:1 fundraising strategy support

Crowdfund Your Dream:

  • Basic Membership costs $150/month (!), Mastermind Membership $650/month, Enterprise $3000/month
  • Is more tactical than technical
  • Is real-world based with case studies and testimonials
  • Teaches culturally-responsive fundraising, helping founders overcome barriers and raise money by leaning into their culture factor and community
  • Teaches real-time fundraising strategies like how to raise money in the DMs
  • Teaches our proven, repeatable, 4-step framework for launching a successful fundraising campaign
  • Features a virtual Facebook community of fundraisers with weekly live Q&A
  • Features guides and templates for everything from emails, to text messages, social posts, press releases, pitch decks, and more that have been used to raise thousands of dollars (!!)
  • Offers a Mastermind for small-group high-touch feedback, Enterprise membership for 1:1 strategy support, and optional a-la-carte strategy calls and done-for-you fundraising support

You'll Finish this Course Knowing How To...

tell your story

Learn how to tell your story like a hero's journey that inspires other people to give, leaning into your culture factor and community

plan your campaign

Learn how to create a multiplatform fundraising campaign, everything from creating an investor prospectus, to a crowdfunding campaign, email campaign, direct mail campaign, or DIY donation page

get the word out

Follow my organic strategies to reach out and create a buzz amongst potential backers

fund your dream

Learn my 4-step method to set up and launch a successful fundraising campaign, with guidance on choosing your platforms, creating your pitch video and choosing rewards

raise money

Learn the proven strategies I've used to launch campaigns that have raised $500K+

increase your success rate

Learn what key elements you need to market your campaign and increase your shot at reaching your goal

Craft Your Fundraising Strategy

tailor your fundraising plan from a menu of options:

Stop waiting and start raising money
for your project or business.

It only takes 60 days.


jenny nguyen, the sports bra

The Problem: In 2018, Nguyen and a group of friends had to plead with a bartender to put on the NCAA women’s basketball championship game—on one of the smallest TVs in a mostly empty bar—so they could watch “one of the greatest games” she’d ever seen. The TV played with no sound, and she joked that they’d only get better viewing conditions “if we had our own place.”

Jenny’s culture factor & community:

  • First-time entrepreneur
  • Daughter of Vietnamese immigrants
  • A lifelong basketball fan who played at Clark College in Vancouver, Washington
  • A longtime restaurant worker who spent 3 years as Reed College’s executive chef
  • Came out as a lesbian at 17, and often struggled to fit in growing up in Portland, Oregon
  • Not always welcomed at traditional sports bars that cater to men’s sports
  • Wants to change the world and her community in the wake of social justice movements like #MeToo and the protests after George Floyd’s murder


Challenges: Jenny was denied business loans by multiple banks and small business associations. The denials often cited the “high risk of a unique concept” by a first-time entrepreneur during a pandemic. (Side note, 29.4% of BIPOC business owners receive all the funding they request from banks compared to 54.2% of that of white business owners.) So she emptied out her $27,000 savings and launched a Kickstarter, in February 2022, to raise $48,000—enough money for a 6-month financial cushion to build up her bar’s clientele.

Fundraiser: Jenny’s 30-day fundraiser brought in more than $105,000 from donors around the country and the world, due to a viral article in online food publication Eater.

Building the business & community: Jenny recently celebrated the one-year anniversary of The Sports Bra. Today, there’s often a line out the door and women’s basketball icons frequent her spot. But due to only 5% of all TV sports coverage focusing on female athletes, Jenny often reaches out directly to sports networks and streaming services for more women’s sports content, to deliver on The Sports Bra’s unique value proposition. And on the heels of her success, another bar specializing in women’s sports has opened up in nearby Seattle, and Nguyen advises several other entrepreneurs with similar visions in other cities.

have you seen us?

Join Crowdfund Your Dream

Are You Ready to Launch Your Fundraising Campaign?

You no longer have to put your dream on hold. You no longer need to stay hidden and rob the world of your unique gifts. It’s time to put yourself out there. It’s time to stake your claim. It’s your time.

"How do I know your course will help me launch my fundraising campaign and raise money?"

Because it did for me.

In March 2021, I found out that my family’s historical land in Calabar, Nigeria—first purchased by my late grandfather in the colonial era—was in danger of being sold out of the family.

Immediately, my response was, ‘No’. Our family’s land and rich history needed to be preserved.

On the land stands the home of my late grandmother, Patricia, whose memory inspired a feature script that I’d envisioned filming there.

I had always imagined creating a memoir gallery and residency for African womxn artists there—inspired by the memory of my late mother, Elizabeth, whom I’d been writing about for the past 10 years.

I needed to find a way to buy the property myself. The only problem: it cost $30,000, and I didn’t have any savings after weathering a difficult pandemic year.

So what did I do? I launched a crowdfunding campaign in 5 days to purchase the land.

In less than a week, I...

Gathered photos and video from my memoir project's content archive

Created my campaign logo and visual identity

Wrote my campaign pitch, video script, and chose my fundraising platform

Created an outreach plan to give friends and family a heads up

Set up my campaign page, rewards, and payment platforms

And launched my crowdfunding campaign!

Getting Fully


On March 9th, my campaign went live. Nine weeks later, I had surpassed my $30K goal, raising $35K! My success wasn’t a fluke. I simply implemented my proven fundraising strategy and raised the money. (Don’t forget about how I first raised $15K in 4 weeks using the same method!)

"That's great, but what if I don't want to launch a huge public fundraising campaign?"

Cool! Because with Crowdfund Your Dream, you chart your own path to success. You can use this course to:

  • Launch a public fundraiser for a large-scale project
  • Build a fan base of patrons for a series of ongoing projects
  • Launch a fiscal- or corporate-sponsored fundraising campaign to solicit grants and tax-deductible donations
  • Launch a grassroots fundraising and outreach campaign
  • Create a pitch deck and solicit major donors or investors publicly or privately


Our program covers it all, so you can level up your fundraising game and choose your own adventure.

The vast majority of campaigns are unsuccessful because most people lack access to a basic fundraising and marketing education. They take a one-size-fits-all approach to fundraising that doesn’t take into account their unique project/business and needs. That’s why I created this course. I packaged 15+ years of experience with nonprofit, corporate, and creative clients, distilling the essence of the knowledge and skills you need to be successful.

Fundraising isn’t rocket science, but you need a method that works in order to be successful at it.

The success is in your strategy, and I’m sharing one that works.

I’ve spent 10 years, thousands of hours, and thousands of dollars perfecting this method for you. So you can stop waiting and start raising money today. 💯

This course works.  Here’s the proof: clients have …

Raised $100K from a Big Four Bank to fund a nonprofit using a pitch deck and corporate sponsorship.
Raised $14K for an experimental theatre company using crowdfunding and fiscal sponsorship.
Raised $200K to endow a university scholarship fund using crowdfunding, email, social media, and network mapping.
Raised $35,000 in 8 weeks for an artist residency using crowdfunding and matching funds.
Raised $18,000 in 3 weeks for a documentary film using crowdfunding.
and here's what course participants are saying...

I wanted to move my life from just being centered on work to include my personal passion for writing and supporting those who are striving for financial security to improve their writing. I think the opportunity to center your passion is rare. And there is no better time than now to do the work. Iquo is one of the best people to help you in that journey. She’s direct; I need that. I have already recommended her to two colleagues

I’m so grateful for Iquo’s direction and support while I move forward with my design business dreams. Iquo has broadened my vision of my business and what I can do to make it possible. She helps me communicate and find my voice and how to present it to my community. I recommend Iquo to any struggling artist or business owner who has a dream, but does not know the steps to make it a reality.

this could be you, too!

With Crowdfund Your Dream, you'll take a deep dive into fundraising & marketing, so you can build a successful campaign.

Learn my simple, 4-step framework to fund your dream with more confidence and less overwhelm. Cut out all the guesswork and jump ahead to the fun part—when your project or business is out in the world and you’re engaging with clients, customers and a fan base of patrons that love your work!

meet your instructor

My name is


I launched my career in film & television when I raised $15,000 in 4 weeks for my short film, with no mailing list and a small online presence.

With a Bachelor’s degree from Stanford University, I began my career at a global health communications firm.


Driven to combine my passion for social change and the arts, I enrolled in NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts Graduate Film Program, where I launched my first fundraising campaign. The rest, as they say, is history.

Inside Crowdfund Your Dream, I’m sharing a comprehensive plan to help you launch a successful fundraising campaign—and market it—in 60 days. This is the same method I used to raise $15K in 4 weeks for my short film; $35K in 8 weeks for my artist residency; and more than $300K for my clients.

These are foundational strategies that will carry you through your entire career, whether you’re a self-producing artist, entrepreneur, small business owner, or nonprofit professional.

Trust me, cause I’ve been all these at some point in my 15+ year journey and I packaged up all the lessons I learned the hard way, so you can cut out all the guess work and start raising money today

And in the past 15+ years I’ve learned that launching a fundraising campaign was like turning on a magnet that draws more people and resources to you faster than ever before. People will seek you out—reporters will want to interview you, you’ll be asked to speak on panels or podcasts, and clients will offer you gigs without having to chase them down. That’s what happened to me.

Running a successful campaign empowered me to take control of my destiny when I was losing hope about not having enough money in the bank to fund my film. I realized that there were a lot more people out there who want to support my dream. My life changed because I knew that, if I could do it once, I could do it again, and never feel like someone else had the power to decide my future. And just this year, I launched another campaign—in just 5 days—that raised $35K for my dream!

So what’s your big idea? Picture it in your mind and picture what happens when you achieve it. When you enroll in Crowdfund your Dream, we work to make sure that it becomes a reality.

Why You Should Trust Me...

💛 I don’t just talk the talk, I walk the walk. This year, I launched a campaign in 5 days that went on to raise $35K for my dream. I’ve been featured in major media outlets including NBC, The Guardian, VICE,, and many more. My films have also screened in 14 countries internationally, garnering awards, grants and investors. I’m sharing what I know from my experience because it works.

💛 Before I created my online course, I used to run communications, marketing and fundraising for nonprofit & corporate clients. I can give you an insider’s view on how it all works. My method is proven because I’ve perfected it in the real world, running successful campaigns that have brought in thousands of dollars.

💛 I now help tons of artists, entrepreneurs, small business owners and nonprofit professionals around the world to raise money. I’ve worked with clients in dozens of different industries from wellness to film, music and everything in between.

💛 I started doing this work because I feel that everyone has a right to prosperity. But they need access to a solid fundraising and marketing education to do that. I launched my business organically, teaching workshops in partnership with several organizations such as Gibney Dance Studio, BRIC Arts Media, New Voices Arts & Media, and Stanford in NYC (in collaboration with Stanford in Entertainment, Stanford National Black Alumni Association, and Stanford Latino Alumni Association). Now I’ve revamped and relaunched my website, my courses, and am growing my reach.

💛 I’m an average woman who went from being broke, back against the wall, and unemployed to being an award-winning filmmaker running a sustainable business. I’m living proof you can start from nothing. I’m also the daughter of Nigerian immigrants who fled a country torn by war to start over in America. And though the American dream is a complicated idea, I do believe I am my ancestors’ wildest dreams.

Got questions?

We've got answers.
What is the course all about?

Hosted by Iquo B. Essien, Crowdfund Your Dream is a fundraising course & group coaching program that teaches women & BIPOC founders with zero-to-intermediate experience how to tell their stories, market their work, and raise up to $500K to fund their dream businesses, by leaning into their culture factor and community. The course teaches a diverse range of fundraising strategies, including crowdfunding (rewards- and equity-based), equity investment, corporate & fiscal sponsorship, grassroots fundraising, e-mail marketing, direct mail, and donor/investor prospecting. In the course, Iquo guides participants using the course workbook, bonus materials, and exercises, teaching them how to raise money, build community, and a solid platform for their fundraiser. The course philosophy follows the mantra: Each of us can find our village, no matter how small.

What is the course format?

The self-guided course can be completed at your own pace. The Mastermind group meets online for 1.5 hours every other week. Enterprise clients have access to the Fundraising Bootcamp (group coaching) and Mastermind, and receive an additional 2 x 1:1 monthly strategy calls.

In addition to the course, workbook, bonus materials, and e-mail support, participants gain access to the Fundraising Bootcamp Q&A that meets weekly LIVE on Facebook. Questions must be submitted via an online form, and course participants will have an opportunity to volunteer for monthly hot seats.

How much does the course cost?

The course bundle normally costs $2997, but it’s currently available for $150 per month, or $750 for a 6-month Basic Membership; $650 per month, or $3250 for a 6-month Mastermind Membership; or $3000 per month, or $15,000 for a 6-month Enterprise Membership. Installment fees include tax and finance charges.

What is the Refund Policy?

Our goal is to help you launch your fundraiser in 60 days. We want you to give your best effort to apply all of the strategies in the course. We offer a 14-day refund period for purchases. However, in order to qualify for a refund, you must submit proof that you did the work in the course, sought feedback to troubleshoot your campaign, and implemented the advice and direction given to you. Please note, if you select the multiple payment plan option we are not able to stop payments without a refund request being approved. All refunds are discretionary as determined by Crowdfund Your Dream. To review the Refund Policy, please view the Terms and Conditions.

Still on the fence?

If you’re not convinced that you’re worth it, or that your ideas have merit, or that there’s someone out there who will support you, then let me be the first person to say: yes! Yes you are worth it, yes your ideas have merit, and yes there are so many people out there who will support you. If there’s one thing I can teach you, it’s that you can do this. The beautiful thing is: you pay for the course once, but the skills and the knowledge are yours forever. 

let's get started

HERE'S HOW this works:

Get instant access to the Crowdfund Your Dream course and coaching program here.

Check your inbox for your course info, so you can jump in and get started today!

Follow the 4-step framework to launch a successful fundraiser. Don’t forget to attend fundraising bootcamp to increase your chance of success!


Raise money and live your dream! 😊

let's wrap it all up

Here's what you get when you join.

Instant access to the complete Crowdfund Your Dream program, workbook & video modules

(value = $6750)

Crowdfund Your Dream Roadmap

(value = $97)

Bonus: Fundraising Insider: From Zero to Money Hero! Masterclass

(value = $650)

Bonus: Marketing Plan & Timeline

(value = $497)

Bonus: Email List Builder Kit

(value = $297)

Bonus: Email, Social Media & Direct Mail Outreach Kit

(value = $597)

Bonus: Graphics & Promo Video Creation Guide

(value = $750)

Bonus: Network Mapping Exercise

(value = $37)

Bonus: Do the Math Exercise

(value = $47)

Group Coaching Program

(value = $750)

FB Members-Only Community

(value = $75)

Email support

(value = $47)

Course portal

(value = $99)

When you add it up, it comes out to a value of $10693. Normally, this bundle is worth $2997…

but you can enroll today for a special investment of $150/month or $750 for 6-month access (1 month free)! Mastermind and Enterprise Membership Options are also available.


Sign up today

Get ready to stop waiting and start raising money for your dream.

🎉 New Membership Plans 🎉

Tiered Pricing

Basic Membership, Mastermind, and Enterprise Options Available
Pay monthly, cancel anytime


Learn how to launch a successful fundraising campaign—and market it—in 60 days, by leaning into your culture factor and community. Plus, learn how to create a pitch deck, network map of donors or investors, and an outreach plan to fund your business.


Get our 5-day plan for setting up a successful crowdfunding campaign page, and learn how founder Iquo B. Essien raised $35K in 8 weeks for her business—and how you can, too!

Bonus Materials: Marketing Plan, Outreach Kit, Network Mapping Exercise and more

Get the content, outreach, and networking blueprint to tell your story, market your campaign, and raise money to fund your dream business.

Bimonthly Office Hours 2

Fundraising Bootcamp: Bi-Weekly Virtual Group Coaching

You’ll have questions along the way, of course!  Twice a month, we will collect all of your questions and our team will go live to answer.


Use this community to get inspiration, feedback, questions answered, and more!

Mastermind and 1:1 fundraising strategy support upgrades available!

monthly plans available

Basic Membership

$ 150
  • CFYD Course & Bonuses
  • Weekly Live Group Coaching
  • Course Portal
  • Members-Only FB Community


$ 650
  • Basic Membership
  • Bi-Weekly Mastermind Call
  • Fundraising Strategy Workbook
  • Email support


$ 3000
  • Mastermind membership
  • 2 x Monthly 1:1 Strategy Calls
  • Fundraising Strategy Audit

Do you have a business that needs funding?

Get Our 10-Step Fundraising Guide

Are you frustrated applying for grants, bootstrapping, or maxing out your credit cards? Stop waiting and start raising money today with our step-by-step guide to crowdfunding your dream.

free masterclass

Learn the exact framework I used to create and launch a successful crowdfunding campaign—in just 5 days—that raised $35K in 8 weeks for my business. Plus, you’ll get a sneak peek of Launch in 5 Days!